If you’re still umming and ahhing over your New Year’s resolutions, or you’ve already given up on the ones you made (it happens, no biggie), here are some skincare vows you’ll actually want to keep. Fight for even.
The secret to achieving them is breaking them down into smaller, more achievable goals. We’ve all had ‘get healthier skin’ scribbled down somewhere before, but without getting into the how, it became another forgotten New Year’s resolution. To save you the trouble, below you’ll find 8 easy-peasy skincare resolutions that’ll finally let you tick it off. No excuses.
Make greener choices
You’ll notice we didn’t say go entirely green – we promised easy, so that’s exactly what you’re going to get. We’re just saying to make more conscious decisions. Whether that’s choosing organic ingredients, not using an overwhelming amount of skincare products, or ditching makeup wipes, going greener is something we can all do to do our skin a solid.
Use every last drop

With new beauty trends and products popping off all the time, it’s hard not to jump on the bandwagon and snap em’ up quick. But finishing what you have beforehand is not only better for the planet but also for your skin. Constantly chopping and changing your skincare products will throw your skin’s pH levels out of whack, weakening its barrier and triggering issues like sensitivity, dryness, and blemishes. So before you buy another eye cream that claims to be straight from the fountain of youth, scoop out the last of yours first.
Stay consistent
Consistency is key when it comes to a skincare routine. For noticeable results, and ones that last, you’ve got to commit. You can use the crème de la crème of skincare, but without consistent application to allow the ingredients to penetrate deep into the skin, they won’t live up to their full potential. Patience is a virtue, after all.
Be gentle
When you do start applying your skincare every day (we believe in you), you want to gently apply in an upwards direction with light pressure. For the delicate eye area, pat instead. Repeatedly tugging the skin in each and every direction can cause microtears in collagen fibres and overstretch elastin, leading to premature fine lines and wrinkles. Repeat after us: Keep it light to keep it tight!
Wear sunscreen
Another common sunscreen mistake is thinking we’re off the hook when it’s cloudy, but up to 80 per cent of UV rays can penetrate through clouds and still do some damage to your skin. Pressing fast forward on ageing – fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots – and skin cancer are very real side effects of not wearing sunscreen daily, so sustainable SPF it up, rain or shine. And make sure it’s reef safe too, the ocean’s critters need protection too!
Get more sleep

We’re officially giving you permission to be lazier, as beauty sleep is anything but a myth. Getting extra Z’s will literally make you more beautiful. It’s recommended we get 7-9 hours of sleep per night to enter a deep enough sleep for our skin to start regenerating skin cells, swapping out old ones for new ones, and repairing itself from environmental stressors, such as pollution, UV exposure, and harsh weather. Hit the hay and let your skin do the heavy lifting.
Wash your makeup brushes
If you’re generally good to your skin, yet it still breaks out, the culprit is probably those dirty makeup brushes of yours. Leftover makeup creates the perfect breeding ground for bacteria to grow, which you’re then transferring onto your face. Yuck. So, the million-dollar question, how often should we be washing our makeup brushes to stay pimple-free? In an ideal world, every day, but that’s hard work. Once a week will still do the trick. Even if you’ve only used it once, bacteria will grow on any amount of makeup.
Work out your face
Exercising more is usually the first New Year’s resolution to be made, and broken. Womp, womp. But giving your face a workout is so much easier than dragging yourself to the gym for a full-body sesh. A facial massage works out the muscles, boosts blood circulation to deliver more nutrients and oxygen, and encourages lymphatic drainage, toning, brightening, and de-puffing the face. And since your fingers are nature’s massage tools, you can start this one right away, now you’re done scrolling.