Outrage in Morocco: Animal Activists Condemn Killing of Stray Dogs Ahead of World Cup Matches

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Animal rights activists have condemned Morocco over the proposed slaughter of three million stray dogs ahead of its hosting of […]

Animal rights activists have condemned Morocco over the proposed slaughter of three million stray dogs ahead of its hosting of some matches in the 2030 World Cup.

Campaigners say the canines which live on the streets could be killed in a brutal ‘clean-up’ operation to make cities more presentable to visiting football fans.

Reports suggest thousands of stray dogs have already been massacred in venues across the North African nation, which will co-host the tournament with Spain and Portugal, with fears the killings are escalating.

Jane Goodall, a prominent animal rights campaigner, has now written to FIFA, the international football association, demanding immediate action and  accusing the organisation of turning a blind eye to what she calls ‘a horrific act of barbarity’.

In the letter addressed to its secretary General Mattias Grafström, Goodall said she was left appalled to see that Moroccan authorities were engaging in the large-scale killings.

stray dogs in a vehicle in Morocco before being killed
IAWPC say dogs are thrown into vehicles and taken to facilities to be killed. Credit: IAWPC

‘I am equally appalled to learn from the IAWPC – International Animal Coalition – that you have been presented with detailed dossiers documenting these horrific acts, most of which are conducted in the most brutal and cruel fashion imaginable, and yet appear to have ignored them,’ she said.

‘Morocco’s Ugly Secret’

IAWPC has launched a campaign to expose what it calls ‘Morocco’s ugly secret,’ detailing horrifying methods used to kill stray dogs. These include poisoning them with strychnine, injected directly into their bodies or fed through bait.

Other claims include gunmen patrolling the streets around the clock, shooting the animals and often leaving them wounded to die in agony.

IAWPC has also stated dogs are caught with ‘tong-like’ metal implements, which grab parts of the body and have a painful and debilitating effect, before the animals are brutally dragged along the streets thrown into vehicles with other terrified dogs, where they are then taken to facilities to be killed.

Credit: IAWPC

Goodall also raised the issue of football supporters being unaware of the extreme measures.

She said: ‘You must surely be aware of how football fans around the world – many of whom are also animal lovers – will react when they learn of this?

‘I strongly urge you to ensure that the killings are stopped, including by informing Morocco that its hosting of the tournament shall be suspended until it does so.

‘There are many humane alternatives to controlling street dog populations, and a number of reputable international organisations who are happy to assist the Moroccan authorities in implementing such programmes.

‘There is simply no excuse for the awful campaign of cruelty that is being executed in football’s name. I call on you to use your position as FIFA Secretary General to bring it to an immediate end, and to earn the respect and gratitude of the football-loving public everywhere for doing so.’

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