Natural World
Natural World the latest news on the climate crisis, wildlife conservation, biodiversity and animal welfare
Mountain Lion Who Was Emblem For Wildlife Conservation Has Died
Tragic ending for P-22, known as the ‘Brad Pitt of mountain lions’, who was trapped in the City of Angels by a ring of motorways before world’s biggest wildlife conservation bridge could free him
Free At Last: Pangolin Captured By Traffickers Is Released Back Into The Wild
Pangolins are the most trafficked mammals in the world because their scales are prized for traditional Chinese medicine but one has been rescued and taught how to survive in her natural habitat
Hippos Face Extinction As Illegal Ivory Made From Their Teeth Found For Sale Online
Hippos are not currently protected by tough UK laws against the ivory trade which focusses primarily on elephants, international charity Born Free says
Iconic Emperor Penguin to be Officially Protected as Experts Warn of Extinction
The Emperor Penguin has been granted protection status under the Endangered Species Act in the US as vanishing Antarctic sea ice threatens to decimate 99 per cent of their population by the end of the century
Patter of Tiny Bison Hooves Heard in UK for First Time in Millennia
The baby bison is an unexpected bonus for the rewilding programme taking place in Kent, England
Bottoms Up! Could Artificial Whale Poop Be The Answer To Restoring Marine Biodiversity?
The world’s oceans are nutrient-starved, which is bad news for fish and the planet. Could mimicking the fertilising effect of whale poop help revive them?
World’s First Biotech Arctic Wolf Successfully Cloned
The Biotech breakthrough that has seen the birth of the world’s first cloned arctic wolf could be a boost for endangered species
2 Cute Rare Red Panda Cubs Born at Wildlife Park
The twin female red panda cubs are part of a successful breeding programme for the endangered species
World First as Cheetahs Return to India After 70 Year Absence
Namibia donates eight cheetahs to India, a first for the intercontinental relocation of the world’s fastest moving land mammals