A documentary exploring the fauna, flora and natural history of the central American state of Belize is set to premier in the UK next month.
Hosted by The European Nature Trust (TENT), the first three episodes of the four part Unknown Belize series will be screened on Wednesday 7th June at the Royal Geographical Society headquarters in Kensington, London.
Showcasing the nation’s stunning coral reefs and pristine rainforests, savannahs and bio-diverse wetlands the documentary sheds light on the the wildlife and vegetation of the little-known nation.
Featuring inspiring conservationists, wildlife campaigners, and new, sustainable community-based agribusinesses, all of the proceeds from the event will be donated by TENT to the protection and promotion of the country’s natural environment.
Paul Lister, TENT Founder, said: ‘Unknown Belize will help the world realise how much biodiversity this small nation harbours. Our mission is to inspire its protection, and attract inward investment for Belize’s conservation and sustainable development.’
Unknown Belize
The nation remains comparatively under the radar to travellers. It is an English-speaking country the size of Wales, with a population of just 400,000, bordered in the north and part of the west by Mexico, on the south and the remainder of the west by Guatemala, and it shares maritime borders with Honduras.
Around 80 per cent of the nation remains undeveloped, with 60 per cent of its land surface forested. It also has the second longest barrier reef in the world and has fulfilled its UN commitment to protect 30 per cent of the world’s land and oceans by 2030.

It is home to over 500 bird species, 150 mammals, 150 amphibians and reptiles, over 550 fish and more than 3,400 plant species.
The filmmakers said: ‘In Unknown Belize, we go in search of Belize’s magnificent wildlife, from the elusive jaguar and agile spider monkey to the threatened scarlet macaw. We meet passionate conservation biologists and community members who strive daily to protect Belize’s terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

Tickets cost £99 (AED455) and are available to purchase via Eventbrite here.
Price includes food and drinks. 100 per cent of all proceeds from ticket sales and the auction go back to nature conservation in Belize.
For more information about The European Nature Trust visit: www.theeuropeannaturetrust.com.