Natural World
Natural World the latest news on the climate crisis, wildlife conservation, biodiversity and animal welfare
Tiny Detectives: How Trained Rats Are Battling Wildlife Trafficking
The sniffer rats are able to detect pangolin scales, rhino horns and elephant tusks
Can You Eat Meat and Still Be an Environmentalist?
Does having the ‘occasional’ cheeseburger or slice of meat on your pizza dent your eco-credentials or can you fall off a vegan diet and still show you care for the planet? The Ethicalist investigates…
Will Selfies, Electrocution and Deforestation Fast-track Sloths – the World’s Slowest Mammal – To Extinction?
Can sniffer dogs, tracking backpacks and sloth crossings can keep these tree-living critters tucked safely away in the canopy where they belong. Words
The Shocking Donkey Skin Trade Scandal: Why Millions Are Being Killed To Cure Insomnia
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Criminal gangs are slaughtering donkeys to make ejiao for Chinese medicine to ‘cure’ a dry cough and aid sleep
Vulnerable and Overlooked: The Toll of Climate Change on the World’s Poorest Nations
On International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, we look at the countries disproportionately affected by climate change, where extreme weather events are worsening poverty and threatening livelihoods
Parched Earth: Are We Running Out of Water?
It covers 70 per cent of the earth’s surface but climate change, deforestation, intensive agriculture and construction mean a global water crisis is looming…
Room to Roam: Bison Thrive as Bridges Keep Kent’s Wildlife and Walkers Apart
The new walkways will give Kent’s reintroduced bison an extra 150 hectares of free roaming terrain
Relocation, Relocation, Relocation For Climate Migrants: Where Can You Escape The Climate Crisis?
There is nowhere on our planet that will not experience climatic shifts as a result of global warming, however some places will be more habitable than others. We examine the best options for climate migrants to relocate to in a changing world
Does Your Child Have Nature-Deficit Disorder?
As urbanisation forces social media-obsessed youngsters indoors, encouraging them to eschew nature to spend all their time online, entire generations are suffering from diminished use of the senses, attention difficulties and higher rates of physical and emotional illnesses